Saturday, December 16, 2017

😁😁😁😁😁My exciting experience of Tour 2 Dhading 😁😁😁😁😁

Hello everyone! Today I am very much happy cause today I am going to share my experience of my tour to Dhading.
Firstly, When I heard that we were going to Dhading for 1 night and 2 days i.e. on saturday and sunday( 16th and 17th Mangsir) I was very much excited but due to some reasons my parents didn't allowed me to go because of the worry of election. When sir heard that some of the students were not going he started convincing but I told him that if he really
want to convince then convince our parents. He said all amazing things about Dhading I really wanted to go then after that when I went to home I felt that my father's mood was quit good. So, I started convincing him then he said that he will take time to think and next morning finally he allowed me to go to Dhading. Before I went to school he gave 
me the asked amount by the school for the tour i.e. 2500. I was very much excited.

And next morning we were told to arrive school at 9:30 am. And next morning we all arrived school at 9:30 am. As notice it was said that our departure time was 10:00 but because of some problem we left for our destination at 11:00 am. As planned 6 teachers were going to join us for tour but because of illness our class teacher Mr. Kamal Nepal couldn't join us but Khem Sir, Bijay Sir, Aarati mam, Rajan sir and Deepak sir joined us. Then we ate our tiffin during our journey. 
In bus we had alot of fun we sang together many of us slept in the bus but I was feeling exciting so 1%
 also I didn't felt sleepy. In the way we ate an exciting tiffin. After the long and exciting journey we finally reached our destination at 3:45 pm i.e. Camp springwood of Dhading Kurintar. Then first we took our meal and during meal we were told to stay in tents.
There were altogether 16 tents and In each tent 3 students were told to sit. For khem sir, Deepak sir and Bijay sir there was 1 tent and for rajan sir and Aarati mam also there was saparate tents for them as well as for our school brothers too. Then after resting and keeping our things inside tents we went to travel on the long bridge known as Ghalunga bridge.There we enjoyed a lot we clicked some funny pics on bridge. We shaked the bridge and had a lot of fun. We even took group photo. Then we went to walk up in the small hill.There in way we saw some broken house. There we clicked some photos.

In the way we also saw the garden full of cabbage. In the way there was also some small trees where all the boys started climbing and clicking photos. And we also saw a small puppy and show the love to it but because of chaos that puppy got scared and started barking at us then we continue walking. I was in the first leading our group and then while returning from the top of the hill we saw that Deepak sir group had took the wrong way and were returning from the wrong way. Then till they return from the top we wait for them. And we saw them returning back to us then deepak sir took us to an empty ground where we played race and some of them did a lot of cheatings Chotti pushed me from back and I also pushed her i.e. Tit for Tat. And we return to camp at evening. After returning we went to our camp charged our phone. We started dancing. Then we ate our dinner at 7.00 pm then again we started dancing,playing and so on. While dancing bijay sir and khem sir also joined us. Aakriti told me that they were dancing as they were drunk. Aakriti acted as if she was caught by the ghost and scared samip. We ate the chicken cooked on BBQ. While eating deepak sir told that near riverside there ghost comes and scares people. Then at 11:56 pm we went to river side we had a lot fun there as well as deepak sir tried a lot to scare us but none of us became scare and after returning we went to sleep then my tent member i.e. Kopila and me we woke up early in morning and first greet our teachers and friends. Then boys played push up competition in which Basanta won then girls played race competition in which I fell down very badly and furwa won.  And then we ate our breakfast then we went for hike in the hill with our guide Sagar. There me and sagar was on lead then while hiking also we clicked many photos. There we saw a cow tied with rope Babita was scared of going infront of it and I also git chance to scare her. We then rest at sagar's house. There was three baby of goat and I carried one of them. Then while returning we played in water there also. There was a small narrow bridge we crossed it one by one. After returning to camp we ran towards river side and had a lot of fun we played there for an hour then we had played many competition. Unfortunately I couln't won atleast 1 competition also. We also buried sushant in the sand, We played beach volleyball. We played the pebbles as well. Then after having meal we returned to our home. We left the camp at 2:45 pm.During journey me, prajina and bijay sir played ludo in khem sir's and deepak sir's mobiles.and beacause of Kalanki's traffic jam we reached home at 7:00 pm.
At last I only want to say that this was the most memorable moment of my life which I can never forget.
😊😊😊😊😊|||Thank You||| 😊😊😊😊

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